What does the English for Work course offer?

ELW About English for Work

The English for Work course includes: 

  • Live group classes. Attend 1 per week! 


Each class has a duration of 55 minutes and can be booked by up to 15 students. Our live group classes include a set topic and focus on speaking and listening tasks. You will learn with other students at the same level as you, and you will receive instant feedback on your speaking, grammar and vocabulary. After each class, the teacher will share valuable class materials with you for additional practice. 


  • Grammar and pronunciation Live25 sessions. Attend 4 per calendar month!


Each session has a duration of 25 minutes. Use these sessions as an opportunity for additional practice between your weekly group classes. If you need extra help with understanding English verb tenses or how to use intonation in a sentence, Live25 sessions offer you the opportunity to advance your knowledge.


  • Online exercises. Study in your own time and at your own pace!


Online exercises are an excellent way to gain knowledge of the topic prior to engaging in class discussion. You will be prepared in advance to ask questions and your teacher will have additional time in class to focus on the more challenging material. If you prefer, you can also complete the online exercises after your class and this will help you consolidate your learnings. 

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