Here’s how you can celebrate your teacher this World Teacher’s Day

world teacher's day

Author: Emily Thomas, English Online teacher

This World Teachers’ Day, let’s take a moment to consider how teachers impact our lives.

Here are some ways that we can contribute to and celebrate the positive work teachers do for all of us.

Participate in lessons

The role of a student can often feel a bit passive. We:

  • receive instructions
  • carry out tasks that we are given
  • get feedback

but a good teacher always tries to create active learners.

One really important way to support your teachers this October, is by taking an active role in your learning.

  • Participate in class – don’t worry about giving the ‘right’ answer, every mistake is a learning opportunity for everyone in the class.
  • Find personal meaning in what you learn.
  • Use assessments as a constructive way to inform what you need to study or practice more.

Open up to your teacher

Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher about any problems that you’re facing.

Teachers won’t know about any issues you have with their subject unless you talk to them. They may assume you’re just uninterested unless you tell them otherwise. Teachers will always go the extra mile to help you if you communicate with them.

Teachers love feedback too. If there are things you love about your class, tell them, but also be honest about the things you would like to change.

What would make the class better for you? What do you think would improve your learning?

Share your ideas with your teacher. Teaching is a dynamic profession and there are as many ways to learn as there are people, so teachers are always open to new ideas.

Show some love

So how can you show your wonderful teachers how much you appreciate them? Flowers? Chocolates? A new pen, maybe? Everyone loves a gift, but I can safely say that what teachers most appreciate is your words.

Tell them how much you’ve learned about a topic in class, or how they’ve helped you with a particular aspect of learning – just a ‘thank you’ means a whole lot to your teacher. You could:

  • say a few words at the end of the class
  • make them a card
  • write them a letter or an email
  • post something great you’ve done in class on social media and tag them or the school’s official account
  • make something for their classroom
  • do something extra – if your class has inspired you to do your own research or a self-generated task, share it with them

If you are in a group class, you could each write a comment on a sticky note and stick them all over the board – warning: this might make your teacher a bit emotional!

As a parent or carer, a note to tell your child’s teacher the progress you’ve seen, or positive changes you see in your child as a result of school activities will make their day.

It’s never too late to celebrate your teacher.

Perhaps you can think of a teacher who changed the course of your life, inspired you, made you discover a talent or ability you didn’t know you had. If you can, it’s never too late to say thank you. Look them up on social media, or write to them via the institution.

Sometimes the person who taught you something really valuable is not a teacher, but nevertheless took the time to share a skill, inspire a love of something or give you some words of wisdom. World Teachers’ Day can be a day to celebrate all the people in your life who have helped you become the wonderful person you are today.

I’ll leave you with this lovely video in the hope that it will encourage you to take the time to share some love for those who have taught you. I guarantee that if you have some positive words for them they would love to hear from you, and you will inspire them to carry on their great work!

Here are the British Council, we’re really proud of our teachers. Find out more about learning with the world’s English experts here