From Conflict to Collaboration: How to Manage Difficult Conversations at Work

how to manage difficult conversations at work

Addressing challenging discussions at work is rarely enjoyable, but it’s something we all encounter sooner or later. These conversations have a big impact on how we get along with our colleagues and the general vibe at work.

Recognising the importance of these conversations is the first step in transforming conflicts into opportunities for growth. In this article, discover helpful tips on how to manage these difficult conversations at work.

Why managing difficult conversations is important

Everybody is different, and everyone works in different ways, so there are bound to be clashes once in a while in a work environment. What really matters is how you deal with such situations.

Ignoring issues and leaving them unresolved can end up leading to even bigger workplace conflicts, so although you may sometimes need to have tough conversations, they often lead to positive outcomes.

If handled correctly, difficult conversations can lead to a healthier, more open workplace culture, ultimately helping everyone feel comfortable with raising issues.

Challenging conversations can affect our professional and personal relationships, read our related article for top tips on how to deal with difficult conversations in a relationship.

Steps to take before a tough conversation

Questions to ask yourself

Before you dive into a tough conversation, take a moment to ask yourself these questions to work out if a conversation is the best approach:

  1. What is the issue? Is it poor performance, a misunderstanding, or perhaps feedback that needs to be shared?
  2. Is this conversation essential, or can it be resolved in a better way?
  3. What do you want to achieve? Clarity? A resolution? Or simply opening new lines of communication?
  4. Is it the right time? Could waiting for a different time make the situation better or worse?
  5. Have your actions contributed to the situation and, if so, how can you approach the conversation constructively?

Plan and prepare for the conversation

The key to a successful conversation lies in careful preparation and a solution-focused mindset:

  • Gather the facts, figures and evidence you need to support your point.
  • Have a clear idea of what you want to say, but don’t script the conversation. Stay flexible to help the conversation flow naturally.
  • Think of some solutions to the main problem, this shows initiative and that you want to resolve the issue rather than just call attention to it.

Points to note when approaching difficult conversations

By following these helpful tips, you can increase your chances of having a productive and respectful conversation, even when it’s tough.

Don’t put it off

While preparing is vital, don’t delay the meeting. Avoiding difficult conversations only builds anxiety and can often make the issue feel bigger or worse than it is.

Stick to the facts

Focus on finding a solution together rather than assigning blame. Keep the conversation constructive and forward-thinking.

Be assertive, but not aggressive

Communicate clearly and confidently without resorting to accusations or raised voices. You should always respect the other person’s perspective, even if you disagree.

Have a witness, if needed

In certain situations, particularly if they are sensitive, having a neutral witness such as a colleague from HR can help everyone reach a mutual understanding.

Change your mindset

These difficult conversations can stir up a lot of emotions, from frustration and anger to anxiety and sadness. It’s important to remain balanced and calm when you have these tough talks.

Think of it as a normal conversation and remember that the goal is to find a solution, not to ‘win’ an argument.

Practice what you’re going to say

Rehearsing key points you want to raise can help you stay calm and collected during the actual conversation.

Choose the right time and location

Choose a private, neutral location where you can talk to someone without getting interrupted or distracted. Having it in a public space or at someone’s desk aren’t necessarily the best ways to deal with the situation.

Be willing to compromise

Finding the best solution will probably require some give and take on both sides. Remember, communication is a two-way street, so be open to finding a solution that works for everyone involved.

3 examples of handling challenging conversations at work

Let’s explore some difficult conversation examples that you may encounter at work.

#1 – Providing negative feedback

Situation: You are in a team meeting brainstorming ideas, but one team member keeps interrupting everyone, dominating the conversation, and ignoring alternative suggestions.

In this situation, aim to start with a positive point acknowledging their strengths, then address the behaviour with specific examples. Offer support and suggestions to improve while maintaining a respectful tone.

Example: “Thank you for all of your ideas, it’s great to see your passion for this project. However, there were some instances where you spoke over other people, and we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to contribute. Perhaps setting aside specific times for each person to share their thoughts could help us achieve this balance. What are your thoughts on this approach?”

#2 – Conflict resolution

Situation: Two of your team members are working together on a project. They have an argument, which leads to tension within the team.

In this situation, actively listen and make sure everyone gets to express their perspective and points of view. Then, work together to identify the issue and come up with a solution that works for everybody involved – all while maintaining a calm atmosphere and approach.

Example: “I’ve noticed some tension within the team. I believe that both of you have some really valuable insights, so let’s have an open discussion and work out the best way to move forward.”

#3 – Disagreeing with your boss

Situation: In a budget meeting, your boss suggests reducing the training budget. You believe that this will impact your team’s overall development.

Approach this situation by explaining why you disagree and including facts, figures and evidence that backs up your point; then share some alternative solutions. While having this conversation, it’s important to respect your boss’ position and make sure you remain professional.

Example: “During the budget meeting, you suggested that we reduce the training budget. I understand the need to optimise our budget, and I appreciate your approach. I’ve noticed that previous reductions in the training budget led to increased turnover, negatively impacting our team. In our financial report, I noticed that we have an underspend in some of our project budgets, could we use this money instead?”

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