Flexible English online course

Learn English online with British Council teachers

  • Learn with the world’s English experts
  • Live online private 1-1 or group classes
  • Classes available 24/7
  • 45,000+ Students Worldwide
  • Classes Rated 4.5/5 by 41,318 Students
  • Earn British Council badges and certificates

Learn with the world's English experts

We help you gain confidence and improve your speaking, pronunciation and vocabulary.

  • Practice in small group classes and private one-to-one classes
  • Customise your timetable, Choose classes based on your goals and interests.
  • Choose your level. From beginner to advanced.

Get Started

Target your goals with an English online course designed around your needs

Study in your own time and at your own pace. Create the perfect course you need to achieve your goals.

  • Choose your lesson themes
  • Set your study goals
  • Create your lesson schedule

7 Day Free Trial

Plans and pricing to suit your budget and lifestyle

Choose from a range of subscription plans and start learning today.

  • Flexible monthly payment plans
  • Free 7-day trial period
  • Cancel anytime

7 Day Free Trial

What is English Online?

Choose your monthly subscription plan

It’s time to level up your English skills!

Choose a monthly subscription plan that suits your budget and lifestyle. Pick a plan based on how many live online classes you want to join each month and start learning today.

  • Unlimited access to learning materials and activities with any plan.
  • Access to teacher-led grammar webinars.
  • British Council badges and certificates.
  • 7-day free trial for Gold and Platinum Plans (2 group classes or 1 private class).


Choose a monthly subscription plan that suits your budget and lifestyle.
Use your class credits to book group and private classes. Live online classes:
Group classes: 55 min / 1 credit
Private classes: 25 min / 2 credits
Pay online and cancel your monthly subscription at any time.


5 class credits Use your credits to book group and private live online classes:
Group classes: 55 min /1 credit
Private classes: 25 min /2 credits

per month
(%1 per class)

Private and Group Classes Up to 10 students in group class

4 Live25 sessions per month Live25 sessions are 25-minute grammar or pronunciation webinars. You can use them as an opportunity for additional practice between your regular group or private classes.

24 hours a day/7 days a week
Pay monthly & cancel anytime


10% Discount
for your first 4 months

10 class credits Use your credits to book group and private live online classes:
Group classes: 55 min /1 credit
Private classes: 25 min /2 credits

per month
(%1 per class)

Private and Group Classes Up to 10 students in group class

4 Live25 sessions per monthLive25 sessions are 25-minute grammar or pronunciation webinars. You can use them as an opportunity for additional practice between your regular group or private classes.

24 hours a day/7 days a week
Pay monthly & cancel anytime


Premium Business Classes included
10% Discount
for your first 4 months

15 class credits Use your credits to book group and private live online classes:
Group classes: 55 min /1 credit
Private classes: 25 min /2 credits

per month
(%1 per class)

Premium Business ClassesPremium Business Classes: Premium Business Classes in English aim to prepare individuals for the workplace by developing specific spoken and written business communication skills, such as effective presentation skills and modern business document writing.

Private and Group Classes Up to 10 students in group class

4 Live25 sessions per monthLive25 sessions are 25-minute grammar or pronunciation webinars. You can use them as an opportunity for additional practice between your regular group or private classes.

24 hours a day/7 days a week
Pay monthly & cancel anytime

During your trial period, you will receive 2 credits that can be used to book either 2 group classes or 1 private class. Your first payment will be taken 7 days after account activation (7-day trial period). You may cancel at any time during your free trial period.

Please note: Subscribing to English Online means that each month you will be automatically charged in local currency via our payment provider (Stripe), and will receive a receipt via email. Cancel your subscription at any time. For more information, please read the terms and conditions of sale.

Silver 12 Months

Premium Business Classes included

60 class credits Use your credits to book group and private live online classes:
Group classes: 55 min /1 credit
Private classes: 25 min /2 credits

Premium Business ClassesPremium Business Classes: Premium Business Classes in English aim to prepare individuals for the workplace by developing specific spoken and written business communication skills, such as effective presentation skills and modern business document writing.

Private and Group Classes Up to 10 students in group class

Live25 sessionsLive25 sessions are 25-minute grammar or pronunciation webinars. You can use them as an opportunity for additional practice between your regular group or private classes.

24 hours a day/7 days a week

Gold 12 Months

Premium Business Classes included

120 class credits Use your credits to book group and private live online classes:
Group classes: 55 min /1 credit
Private classes: 25 min /2 credits

Premium Business ClassesPremium Business Classes: Premium Business Classes in English aim to prepare individuals for the workplace by developing specific spoken and written business communication skills, such as effective presentation skills and modern business document writing.

Private and Group Classes Up to 10 students in group class

Live25 sessionsLive25 sessions are 25-minute grammar or pronunciation webinars. You can use them as an opportunity for additional practice between your regular group or private classes.

24 hours a day/7 days a week

Platinum 12 Months

Premium Business Classes included

180 class credits Use your credits to book group and private live online classes:
Group classes: 55 min /1 credit
Private classes: 25 min /2 credits

Premium Business ClassesPremium Business Classes: Premium Business Classes in English aim to prepare individuals for the workplace by developing specific spoken and written business communication skills, such as effective presentation skills and modern business document writing.

Private and Group Classes Up to 10 students in group class

Live25 sessionsLive25 sessions are 25-minute grammar or pronunciation webinars. You can use them as an opportunity for additional practice between your regular group or private classes.

24 hours a day/7 days a week

Please note: Subscribing to English Online means that each month you will be automatically charged in local currency via our payment provider (Stripe), and will receive a receipt via email. Cancel your subscription at any time. For more information, please read the terms and conditions of sale.

Book your free trial lesson

Our students love learning with us because...

Martin (Flexible English online course student)

“I’m Martin Bocek from the Czech Republic and I’m a happy English Online student. I’m very happy, because I have had a great experience studying with English Online. You have great teachers! I’m blind and I’m using a screen reader and Braille display and I’m very happy with this. British Council’s English Online platform is great for me and I think, for all your students.”

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How does it work?

What happens in a live class?

What technology do I need to join English Online?

Who are the teachers?

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