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So you want to speak really good English?

Check out our Mini English Lessons and book a free trial class!


Our teacher's will help get your English to the next level

Meet some of our teachers in these Mini English Lessons. See for yourself why they really are the best!

Sound as natural as possible when speaking, with some of Anna's tips

When people are learning English, they often pronounce words as they appear in print. Find out about how you can sound more like a native English speaker with Anna’s tips.

Meet an English Online teacher by booking a free live trial class now.

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How to form questions in English?

Learn a simple formula that works for almost any question with almost any verb.

Meet an English Online teacher by booking a free live trial class now.

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Check out our self-study online courses

If you like studying by yourself, we have something for you to further develop your English.

Learn English at your own pace with bite-sized exercises for only £5.99 per month

Our English Online self-study course gives you the low-cost way to reach your goals in English.

You can improve your English language level and your professional communication skills, and learn how to express yourself with confidence to boost your career.

  • Fun exercises created by English experts
  • Earn certificates and badges
  • On-the-go, affordable learning

Your subscription includes live teacher-led webinars where you can learn about grammar and vocabulary directly from a teacher.

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No matter your goals, you're going to need confidence in English to achieve them

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